
  • Looking Forward To A New Year...

    We gathered as a family on Christmas to open presents and now, a couple of days later, we are reflecting on the 2020 and thinking about the year to...
  • Did you notice?

    Did you notice our new logo in the top left corner?  It's pretty cool.  Made it ourselves. It's derived from our KratosX logo.   
  • We launched an Affiliate Program

    Take a look at the new Rock Climbing Unleashed Affiliate Program.
  • You can now buy additional Strength & Conditioning Climbing Campus Holds

    Add extra holds to your collection!
  • Created a new workout hold!

    Added a sloper campus hold to our collection!
  • Final exams - done!

    Final exams for this semester are over.  We going to spend time over this winter holiday designing more Better Than a Hangboard Climbing Holds to e...
  • Holiday Special!

    FREE SHIPPING on selected products!
  • Thoughts? Ideas?

    We're always racking our brains out thinking of crazy new ways to improve home rock climbing workouts.  Would appreciate your thoughts on our produ...
  • Thank You!

    Thank you to all of our visitors who are looking for better ways to improve rock climbing workouts at home!  Looks like we've had over 1,500 unique...
  • LOL - We're Not Kidding About the Garage

    We've talked about building our products in our garage.  We're not kidding.  We're not a large company trying to fool you into thinking we're a sma...
  • Climbing Workouts At Home to Battle COVID Stress

    Like most of you we have been affected by COVID-19 restrictions. We find that we spend days on end at home with little social contact outside of ou...
  • Thinking Outside The Box - Innovative New Products

    Out of the box thinking results in two new innovative products that surpasses the versatility of the common climbing hangboard.